BR1-09 Magic secrets

 Magic secrets に対する画像結果Presto, the magician, is about to pull a rabbit out of a hat. Watch clisely- the next magician to perform could be you!! Learn to stand an egg on it's end, make a penny disapper, and even cut a lady in half! Here's every secret you need to know.

 Most of the magic tricks presented here are easily understood and appear to be simple to learn and to execute with ample practice. Disappearing coins, rope tricks, a genie in a bottle, and many others provide interesting stunts to amaze and mystify one's friends.
I want to play magic for friends!

Wyler, Rose. & Ames, Gerald. (1990) Magic secrets
New York: An I can read book


  1. Sounds interesting! I want to read it, so bring this book to me.

    1. Thank you for your comments.
      What's?? Do it yourself.





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