BR 1-02 Aladdin and the Enchated Lamp

One day Aladdin's uncle, Abanazar, arrives in the city. 'I am a rich man,' he tells Aladdin and his mother.

Do you know about the story of Araddin and the Encchated Lamp? I have heard the name of Araddin and jinnee. Maybe I only know Disney version.
This story was made in Arab. In this story, Araddin was poor and didn' t like work. However, with the jinnee's help, Araddin was soon rich. This book is interested for me.

This book is in Oxford Bookworms Library stage 1. So it has nice picture. And easy to read. I recommend that everyone read this book.

Dean Judith  (2000) Araddin and the Enchated Lamp
Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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